Friday, August 8, 2008

the big announcement

So, this may come as a surprise to you all, or maybe not a surprise at all. I feel kinda weird posting it on our blog but I figured this is the best way to tell everyone, so here's the big news: WE'RE PREGGERS!!! We just came back from the OB/GYN and it is official; I'm 9 weeks pregnant!!!
Jan and I actually found out a couple of weeks ago with a take-home pregnancy test and soonafter told our parents...but wanted to share the news with everyone after finding out officially. And yes, we are fully aware that we are going on #3...having beautiful kids must be my life's calling! =) We will definitely keep everyone updated with all the details!

It's official! Clearblue says:

Jan's first-ever smile for the camera!

Proud Daddy and soon-to-be Kuya Noah

Thursday, August 7, 2008

noah's lullaby

If you didn't already know, the boys are huge fans of Jason Mraz...especially Noah. The song, "I'm Yours" is pretty much played on repeat whenever we are in the car--it's either that or Elmo--so you can imagine how much fun it is for us e v e r y single day. =) Here's a clip of Noah singing his fave song to put himself to sleep. It's not a traditional lullaby, but it worked! He totally knocked out just a few seconds after he finished singing!

Friday, August 1, 2008

first day of school

We can't believe how fast summer has flown by, or how fast our big boy is growing! Caleb started his first day of kindergarten at Nimitz Elementary School yesterday, July 31st. He woke up excited and ready to go: got dressed (and yes, he is picky about what he wears and insisted on wearing his skater fit and Heely's), washed up, grabbed a banana, and was the first one out the door. We took a short walk to his school and then it was time...time for Parents to face that dreaded moment of leaving their child to fend for himself in the Great Big World. Dramatic, I know...but hey, this was one of those big-time firsts for us! I think we were more nervous about leaving Caleb behind than he was about going to a new school! But we managed to get him to his classroom without shedding tears, and after settling him in, giving him hugs and kisses, and saying our good-byes, we left him. Afterall, we didn't want to be known as one of those parents!

Well, Here's some pics to document the big day:


Most likely to be the class clown:

Noah: "Bye, Kuya!"

Who's Caleb Quinto?!


He's still smiling! I guess Caleb survived his first day of kindergarten! See, Daddy, you had nothing to worry about! =) haha